Bridestowe Parish Council

Councillor Contact Details

Alison Young

Parish Council Chair

Chris Proctor

Parish Council Vice Chair

Kayleigh Walker

Parish Council Clerk

Paul Burder

Parish Councillor

Rob Bickle

Parish Councillor

Bill Thirtle

Parish Councillor

Jo Pritchard

Parish Councillor

Georgina Hodgson

Parish Councillor

Caroline Mott

West Devon Borough Councillor

Terry Southcott

West Devon Borough Councillor

Lois Samuel

Devon County Councillor


Minutes of Bridestowe Parish Council Meetings

You can view or download here the most recent draft Bridestowe Parish Council minutes by clicking on the PDF documents below.

The next Parish Council Meeting Agenda

Bridestowe Parish Council Minutes



Uncontested Election Result May 2023

By-election notice

There are currently no vacancies.

Co-option notice

There are currently no vacancies.

Home Emergency Plan

Home Emergency

Home Emergency Plan.pdf

Bridestowe’s Emergency Plan is a comprehensive document aiming to include information and contacts that will:

• Provide a co-ordinated response from the local community
• Identify key contacts and resources within the locality that may assist the emergency

services and the local authority
• Assist the emergency services in identifying an initial place of safety for residents

should an evacuation of properties be necessary
• Identify the location(s) of vulnerable groups of people that may require additional

assistance e.g. schools and residential homes
• Identify local hazards within the community
• Assist in keeping residents within the parish informed of the situation

Various Documents

These documents are published under the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the local audit (smaller authorities) Regulations 2015 and the Transparency Code for Smaller authorities. The following is for the financial year 2023-24:

Certificate of Exemption
Annual Internal audit report
Annual Governance Statement
Accounting Statements
Analysis of Variances
Bank reconciliation
Notice of the period of public rights
Transparency code and Asset Register 2023-2024

Grants Policy