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Community Blog
Family Harvest Barn Dance
Family Harvest Barn Dance Saturday 19th October 2024 7pm Bridestowe Village Hall Admission by ticket only. Tickets free and available from Riverside Stores
Weddings at the Village Hall
We have hosted some gorgeous weddings at Bridestowe Village Hall. The hall can be adapted in many ways to suit your style and the setting with a view of Dartmoor makes the perfect backdrop. Bridestowe Village Hall is a fantastic...
Bacon Baps plus!
The perfect way to start the weekend. Meet friends and enjoy a freshly prepared bap and drink. Bacon Baps are served on the last Saturday of every month except when a booking clashes. Please look on the online hall diary or see the BaSE...
Town Meadow Proposed Development
Bridestowe Parish Council invites parishioners to attend a PUBLIC MEETING IN BRIDESTOWE METHODIST HALL AT 7.30 PM ON TUESDAY 15TH AUGUST This is an opportunity for you to discuss the proposed development on the Town Meadow site, based on...
Bridestowe Ram Roast – NEW DATE
NEW DATE - Now on the 12th August 2023 The Bridestowe Ram Roast Saturday 12th August 1-5pm and 5.30pm until later on the Sporting Green. The Ram Roast is a Bridestowe tradition, which we are very much looking forward to bringing back to...
Bacon Baps January
Bacon Baps will be served on Saturday 29th January from 10 -12 noon at Bridestowe Village Hall There is a takeaway option too. There will be a ‘plants for sale’ table and a display of book sculptures.
National Tree Week
National Tree Week (Saturday 27 November – Sunday 5 December) is the UK’s largest annual tree celebration, marking the start of the winter tree planting season (November to March each year). Talking of trees, progress is being made on...
Village Fun Day
Well..... what an absolutely fabulous afternoon, it was perfect, the sun was shining and everyone enjoyed themselves. It was truly lovely to see so many faces, families, younger children, older school children, extended families,...
Marriage Register Changes
After hundreds of years the traditional ‘signing of the registers’ in church weddings came to an end on May 4th. New legislation passed by Parliament means all marriages will now be registered on an electronic system. For the first time...
June News
Bridestowe Methodist church June services will be led by; 6th Alison Morgan 11am 13th Bridestowe worship group 11am 20th Irving Pemberthy 11am 27th Angela Banfield 11am We are all looking forward to the 21st of June when we hope that most...
Bridestowe Churches Partnership
Bridestowe Methodist church During May we will be worshiping in the Chapel every Sunday at 11am as well as our Zoom worship. For our worship in the Chapel, on the 2nd May Mr Gary Yates will be leading worship on the 9th there will be a...