Well….. what an absolutely fabulous afternoon, it was perfect, the sun was shining and everyone enjoyed themselves. It was truly lovely to see so many faces, families, younger children, older school children, extended families, grandparents, visiting relatives and many local residents. Captain Jack Sparrow was a massive hit with everyone and proves that not all pirates are bad!
The church bell was a hit also, being able to have a go at bell ringing was great fun.
The Wren Trust junk band and Ali Oops circus skills as always entertained everyone and allowed everyone to have a go at something new.
We have lots of photos to feed back to Comic Relief and all that’s to be said is ‘thank you, thank you, thank you!’ to those that came along, those that helped in any way, set up early in the morning, stayed with us and packed away afterwards , Treetops’ families for always supporting us, staff and staff partners and husbands for being around with us all day, BVH committee and community groups who donated time today manning different stalls, running fun activities and cooking the BBQ, Rachel for the PA and music, without you things would have been a lot harder. Everyone’s help is so so appreciated.
Will we do it all again in 2022??. mmmmm… watch this space! ????