Terms & Conditions of Hire

Please ensure you have read and understood these terms and conditions as it forms part of your agreement

For the purposes of this agreement Bridestowe Village Hall and its Trustees shall be referred to as ‘BVH’ and the Hirer named on the Booking form as ‘the Hirer’

Covid 19:

All Hirers should ensure that they are aware of and comply with any current Government guidelines in relation to Covid-19


All applications for the hire of the building must be sent to the Booking Secretary and the person named on the booking form shall be considered the Hirer. Where an organisation is named, the person signing confirms that they do so with full authority of that organisation. The Hirer must be over 21 years of age and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions laid out in the booking agreement and any supplementary terms and conditions that BVH may impose.

The hire of the Hall is for the specific agreed times shown on the booking form and does not entitle the Hirer to use or enter the premises at any other time unless by prior agreement. The building shall only be used for lawful activities and BVH does not represent that the building is suitable for any particular purpose, it being the responsibility of the Hirer to satisfy themselves in this respect.

Village and local community organisations shall have priority over other bookings, but no hirer shall be deemed to have an undisputed right to an unbreakable series of bookings. 

Hire Charges. 

The hire charges will be agreed with the Booking Secretary as determined by BVH trustees. Once a booking has been agreed then a minimum deposit of £75 must be paid within 48 hours to secure the booking and the balance paid to the Booking Secretary at least 30 days before the event. Once a booking is confirmed this initial deposit will be retained as a damage and liability deposit which will then be refunded subject to a satisfactory inspection of the building after the event and by strict adherence to the terms and conditions laid out in this agreement including any additional terms required by BVH. The Trustees further reserve the right to increase this deposit where it is deemed necessary. 

Cancellation Policy

If the Hirer wishes to cancel a booking, they may do so with a minimum of 30 days written notice and all deposits will be returned less any expenses incurred by BVH in relation to the hire. If proper notice is not received this will result in the full loss of the booking deposit.

BVH reserves the right to cancel previously agreed bookings without reason and cannot be held liable for any consequential losses or damages a Hirer may incur as a result. In such an event BVH will endeavour to give the Hirer a minimum of 30 days notice and all payments made will be returned in full. 

Right of refusal 

BVH may refuse any application for the hire of the Building without stating a reason. 


Alcoholic drinks may be served free on an age restricted basis, but no sale of alcoholic drinks may be undertaken unless permission is sought from BVH prior to the event and an appropriate licence for such sales shall be in force. No events may be advertised stating the availability of alcoholic drinks for sale without the prior permission of BVH.

Public Premises Licence  

All conditions regarding activities attached to the public premises licence for the hall shall be duly observed. A copy of the licence may be seen on application to BVH and the Hirer shall be deemed to be fully aware of all conditions attached. In addition, noise must not be at a level which could be considered anti-social and music is only to be played after midnight at a level whereby it cannot be heard outside the building.

Other Licences, Theatre & Performing Rights Society 

The Hirer is responsible for obtaining the requisite Performing Rights Society licences and/or any other licences that may be required for their intended purpose. Any such licence must be exhibited to BVH if requested. 


The Hirer shall not sublet the building, grounds or any part thereof.


All advertising of events shall conform to the conditions of hire. Advertising includes posters, newspaper inserts, magazine inserts, tickets, radio and television announcements, social and all other forms of media. Advertising which contravenes the conditions of hire may result in the forfeit of deposit.

Breakages and Damage

The Hirer is responsible for all damage to the building, equipment, furniture and property both in the building & the grounds occurring during the period of the hiring or while persons are entering or leaving the building pursuant to the hire, however and by whomsoever caused. The Hirer will be responsible for replacement ‘as new’ of any equipment, furniture or property and for the full cost of making good any damage to the building, fixtures and fittings.


BVH shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to the Hirers or any third parties property arising out of the hire, nor for any loss, damage, or injury which may be incurred by any person or persons using the building or the grounds during the period of the hire arising from any cause whatsoever likewise for any loss due to breakdown of machinery, failure or supply of electricity, leakage of water, fire, government restriction or act of God which may cause the building to be temporarily closed or the hire to be interrupted or cancelled. 

The Hirer shall accept full responsibility for and indemnify BVH against any claim which may arise out of the hiring or which may be made by any person using the building during the hiring in respect of any loss, damage or injury be that accidental or malicious or as the result of any negligence including the use of the Halls WIFI service. The Hirer further agrees to accept liability for any damage, accidental or malicious, that may occur on the site, during, or as a consequence of, the hire or by any of the attendees to the event. 


The right of entry to the building is reserved by BVH and any other agent of BVH or authorised persons at any time during the hire.

Conduct and Good Order

The Hirer shall ensure that good order is kept in the building and grounds at all times during their event, that those attending behave in an orderly manner during arrival and departure from the site and that criminal activity does not occur. At all times the Hirer will take reasonable care to ensure that the occupants of nearby properties are not inconvenienced by noise, anti-social behaviour, obstruction by vehicles and the like. A written report of any disorder or damage that does occur must be passed to BVH as soon as is practical following the event. BVH reserves the right to inform the Police of any matter or incident (reported or otherwise) arising from a hire that it considers may constitute a criminal offence, in addition, the hirers damage deposit will also be considered forfeit in the event of any serious breaches of the booking agreement. BVH trustees reserve the right to put a stop to any entertainment or meeting not properly or reasonably conducted.

Condition on vacation

On vacation of the building, the Hirer shall leave the building in a clean and orderly state. All rubbish and any other waste matter arising from the event must be cleared from the building and removed off site by the Hirer. The hall, cloakrooms, toilets, kitchen and common areas must be left in as clean a condition as found. All tables and chairs must be returned to where they were at the commencement of the hire. Only when BVH have satisfied themselves that this has been completed to an appropriate standard will any damage deposit be released. 

Additions to the building

No fixtures or fitments of any kind shall be driven into any part of the Building nor shall any placards, banners or other articles be fixed hereto.


Property of the hirer and any attendees connected to that hire must be removed from the site within 15 minutes of the end of the hire unless by prior agreement. BVH reserves the right to charge storage fees for each hour or part of until the same is removed. BVH accepts no responsibility for any property left on the premises after the hire has finished. 


The Hirer shall remove any sign, flag, emblem or other decoration they have displayed outside or inside the building at the end of the hire or if, in the opinion of BVH, it is deemed unseemly or exposes the building to an undue risk of fire or is likely to lead to distress, disturbance or a breach of the peace.

Fire Precautions and Visitor Safety

The Hirer should be aware of the Fire Safety Floor Plan of the Village Hall which is on display. Hirers are responsible for the health and safety of all those attending their event including providing information about safety procedures, Fire Exits and evacuation procedure in the event of emergency etc. Fire exits must be kept clear at all times, fire appliances, alarms and sensors are not to be removed or tampered with. Fire doors must not be held open. Pyrotechnics, flammable liquids and LPG cylinders are NOT permitted within the Hall. Fireworks and Chinese Lanterns are also not allowed in the grounds.

Health & Safety

BVH must be notified of any accident that occurs involving injury, even if medical attention is not required at the time and of any dangerous occurrence on the site. Details of such incidents must be recorded in the accident book which can be found on the notice board in the foyer.


Any event involving children, young adults, adults at risk or anyone considered to be vulnerable must only be provided by fit and proper persons in accordance with the relevant prevailing legislation and it is the Hirer’s sole responsibility to ensure that these regulations are adhered to and that all persons involved have completed appropriate formal checks as required by law. When requested the hirer must provide BVH with a copy of their safeguarding policy and evidence that they have carried out relevant DBS checks. The Hirer will in addition take all reasonable steps to prevent harm and respond appropriately should any occur including reporting any relevant concerns or incidents to the Trustees at the earliest opportunity   


Smoking, including E-cigarettes or vapes is NOT permitted in any part of the building, around fire escapes, entrances or any part of the grounds, except the car park area, at any time.


No additional lights or extension from the existing electric light fittings or power points shall be used without the prior consent of BVH.

Statutory Responsibility 

It is the Hirers responsibility to ensure that any performance or event is conducted in a safe manner and in accordance with any statutory regulation that might apply. Evidence of such approval where relevant must available for inspection by BVH prior to the event.


Not more than 200 people are allowed in the Main Hall and not more than 40 people in the Margaret Moore Suite at any one time during an event. The total maximum capacity being 240 in total.

Hire Period

The hire period is the time that the hirer commences and finishes using the hall. It includes the time taken for setting up and clearing up.


Vehicles must only be parked in the car parking area and not on the grass verges or any other part of the Hall or its grounds. We also ask visitors who park outside of the grounds to do so considerately and not cause an obstruction or inconvenience to any other property in the area. BVH does not accept liability for any loss or damage to vehicles whilst parked on our site.